Wednesday, October 7, 2009



Alex was playing with a car and was doing a great job it it.

We went to the Philadelphia Zoo on the Friday after we got there. The kids had fun. Of course, mom got a scooter so she could keep up with us. Alex enjoyed it, and I appreciated not having to chase after him. Alex also loved that the Puma that kept walking by us.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Day at the Lake's

Andy took Taylor over to Jeff and Amie's last weekend. Here she is playing with Noah (their son who is 3 month older). They are too cute together and I can't wait to get home to see them play together. I am not too sure on what she is wearing. Looks like a Boston shirt and the new shoes Dee Dee bought her! Her hair is long enough for a pony tail incase you were wondering. Can you believe she is 13 months here!!

And below is Annabella (Jeff and Amie's daughter) and Taylor. I have a feeling she is going to be getting the kids into a bunch of trouble!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Alex being spoiled at Grandmom's

I can't believe how big he looks in this picture! Where has the last 2 years gone?
Someone had a little too much fun with the pen. I love the look he has. Like, "What are you looking at!"

Finally got some picture's from my mom of Alex. He has been getting spoiled beyond belief. Should be fun getting him into a whole new schedule once we get back to our routine.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Zoo

Taylor and I went to the Zoo the Saturday before I left for Texas. We had a great time. She was sooo good. I thought this was a cute picture because both her and the gorilla had thier heads turned. This mama gorilla saw us standing there and just walked right over and sat down. She actually made me pretty sad. Once I get my new camara when I get home I hope to have better pictures.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Well, it's about time I start doing my blog again. Not like it's going to happen very fast since I'm leaving for Texas next Monday for 7 weeks! I do, however, have our latest family picture. We went to Storyland 2 weeks ago. Alex was of course a brat. Right after this picture he took off running and I found him about 200 yards away. Never even looked back!